CREO (Centro Ricerche Elettro-Ottiche) is a not-for-profit Consortium of Enterprises and Universities, established in L’Aquila in 1990.
The Consortium is currently controlled by Leonardo S.p.A., that owns 99% of the shares. Selex ES and the University of L’Aquila are the other two Consortium members: the former owns the remaining 1% of the shares, the latter contributes with technical support and ensuring access to its material characterization labs (XPS, AFM, SEM).
CREO’s facilities cover an area of about 600
In SMART-FLEX, besides the technical and scientific coordination of the project, CREO is the partner in charge of developing the new materials and the overall manufacturing process, including the exploration by Electron Beam Lithography of new patterning strategies that, if successful, are to be replicated by Nano Imprint Lithography on larger areas.
WEBSITE: http://www.consorziocreo.it
Points of Contact
Sandro Mengali: sandro.mengali@consorziocreo.it
Mirko Simeoni: mirko.simeoni@consorziocreo.it

The privately owned company NIL Technology ApS (NILT) was established in February 2006. NILT is focusing on delivering state-of-the-art masters for micro- and nanostructure replication. The technologies applied are silicon processing technologies, with unique capabilities within electron beam lithography, DUV lithography and nanoimprint lithography (NIL). Focus is on providing stamps for nanoimprint lithography, masters for casting of polymers, shims for hot embossing, Roll-2-Roll printing and injection moulding.
In SMART-FLEX, besides the administrative coordination of the project, NILT is the partner in charge of the fabrication by Nano Imprint Lithography of nano-antenna patterns on foils and areas up to 6 inch in diameter.
WEBSITE: http://www.nilt.com
Points of Contact
Agata Bialy: abi@nilt.com
Ilja Czolkos: ilja@nilt.com
Lars Kildebro: lk@nilt.com

The University of Southampton (UniSOTON) is a leading research center in the area of plasmonics and metamaterials, with expertise ranging from modeling, design, nanofabrication and optical characterization. Since 2010, the institute hosts a £110M clean room with state of the art fabrication facilities for prototyping to wafer-scale production of nanoelectronic and photonic devices.
The main tasks of UniSOTON in SMART-FLEX are the conceptual design and modeling of metamaterial OSR/thermal coatings; the fabrication of initial small area breadboards, their optical characterization, and evaluation of tolerances; selection of most promising architectures for upscaling.
WEBSITE: http://www.southampton.ac.uk
Points of Contact
Otto Muskens: O.Muskens@soton.ac.uk
CH Kees De Groot: chdg@ecs.soton.ac.uk

MAPRad S.r.l is an independent SME in Italy, founded by INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics) researchers.
The core business of the company is radiation assurance in all its phases according to ESCC/ESA, JEDEC, ASTM, and Military Standards. The company mission is to offer “turn-key” solutions for radiation hardness studies, from the simulation of radiation environment to the preparation of components and systems to irradiation tests, execute the tests, evaluate the results and provide mitigation solutions.
In SMART-FLEX, MAPRad leads the definition and implementation of the tests for the validation of the technology at TRL5.
WEBSITE: http://www.maprad.com
Point of contact:
Behcet Alpat: behcet.alpat@maprad.com

University of the Basque Country / Spanish Council for Scientific Research
The Theory of Nanophotonics Group led by Javier Aizpurua at the Center of Materials Physics addresses the optical response of nanoscale systems.
The Theory of Nanophotonics Group at the Center of Materials Physics addresses the optical response of nanoscale systems. The group has experience in theoretical modeling in different topics as: metallic nanoantennas, quantum plasmonics, acoustic-plasmonics, dielectric nanoantennas, field enhanced spectroscopy and microscopy, near field microscopy, plasmon excitation by fast electron probes, photon emission in STM configurations, optical properties of semiconductor quantum dots.
In SMART-FLEX, The Theory of Nanophotonics Group gives support to UNISOTON for modeling of metamaterial coatings.
WEBSITE: https://cfm.ehu.es/nanophotonics/
Point of contact:
Javier Aizpurua: aizpurua@ehu.es